Thursday, August 11, 2011

Working on the prairies with plenty of sharp tail

We loaded up and headed south yesterday and worked an area of prairie, rolling hills and deep draws.

Annie - Annie ran a nice forward shooting dog race with a derby broke find on a large bunch of sharp tails. She was put down with some young derbies and puppies of Jim Michaletz and Scott Chaffee. As were all the other dogs, it was nice to look at dogs that these men develop and train and gives me an idea of where my dogs are falling in whether they might be competitive.

Gus - Ran a big puppy race, had no finds but ran all over and chased some - very impressed with this young puppy yesterday.

Buddy - Ran so hard we corralled him and put him up before we lost him.

Put Dot down for the rest of the time we had allotted for Buddy - She ran a big shooting dog/almost all age race and had a nice find.

Rocky - Ran a nice moderate shooting dog race, moving easily in front of the other dogs and had 3 broke finds on sharp tail and had one back that he had to be cautioned into.

Primo ran a short to moderate shooting dog race, searching objectives intelligently and he had finds that he was broke through the shot but moved before released by me or collared - still working on that but making lots of progress with this first year dog. He is the finest looking dog on point I have ever trained.

Mac and Knikki - Put these two dogs down together for the last brace - both ran through the country well, worked the draws nicely but were not able to produce any birds.

Additionally, we saw antelope, white tail deer and fawns and 3 bunches of turkey with poults.

Keith = Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

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