Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A ton of bird work today

Well, I got out early this morning and got to work. Dogs had a blast.

Primo and Millie - Were the first dogs down and kinda set the pace. Primo ran a nice race with great application - He had 3 broke finds. Millie ran a nice intelligent hunting dog race and had 2 finds - breaking on the flush.

Amos and Kane - The brace to measure all the other braces this summer. Kane had a far reaching and searching race - He had 10 broke finds and one non productive. Amos ran a shorter hunting dog race and had 6 broke finds and 10 backs for 16 broke pieces of dog work - WOW! I got tired of getting on and off the horse!!!!!!!!! LOL

Mali and Hondo - Mother and Son combo - Mali had 6 broke finds and 2 stop to flush. She ran a short to moderate field trial gun dog race. Hunting intelligently. Hondo ran a big puppy race - he had 5 finds that he held from 10 to 30 seconds before breaking and flushing - plus another 3 or 4 that he was working and flushed on him. He had 3 brief Backs of his Mom.

Stub and Charlie - Stub ran a nice reaching hunting dog race - he had 3 finds that he held until the flush. Charlie had one find and a short foot hunting race.

Taz and Sam - Taz had 3 puppy finds - holding point from 10 seconds to almost a minute. He ran an intelligent puppy race and worked cover well. Sam - Had one bump of a hen pheasant - ran a searching gun dog race.

All told I had close to 40 points of birds and many more that were worked and flushed or bumped by inexperienced dogs.

I ran out of blanks - and felt like I did 2 hours on an eliptical machine at the gym - I climbed on and off the horse at least 30 times.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

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