Rocky and Callie - Rocky had 2 finds on pheasants, moderate race - need to stretch him out more on short grass prairie. Callie had a couple nice contacts and ran well.
Mac and Chip - Nice run - working the cover well, Chip had a contact with hen pheasant. Mac got birdy a couple times but was not able to pin the birds.
Knikki and Annie - We working on patterning with both of these dogs, working them fast keeping them on edges, correcting lateral casts. Both did super - with a divided find
on pheasant.
Jake and Dolly - Nice to big running races. Jake running the bigger of the two and more forward, Dolly ran a more moderate forward race. Each had a find and a divided find on pheasants.
Chance and Kona - Big to moderate gun dog race - working well in there patterning and searching of objectives - no bird contacts.
Jakey still with you?