Friday, July 17, 2009

Jakey - The Tale Continues

Jakey - Is back for another summer up here in South Dakota. Before I go on I might mention that although Jakey has really caught my eye. There COULD be an emotional connection to why I chose this puppy for my first profile of the Puppies on the Prairie continuation.

Jakey was born in TX. His parents are Southwind Blaze and Hardman's Smilin Jake. I chose this breeding because. Jake was the most intense, biggest running llewellin I had ever seen. Blaze brought extreme endurance and one of the best noses I have seen in llewellins. He is the beloved dog of the Frank Fernadez family in Austin, TX.

Jakey's first visit to SD was as a 4 week old puppy - still nursing on Blaze. She staked out a nice place under the big locust trees in the shade and proceeded to raise Jakey and his siblings. From the time he could get out a bit, he was always exploring and as he grew older he would follow me and the other dogs when we roaded in the morning. Additionally, he would run with me (sometimes tripping me) as I went about my running program - often running 4-6 miles each session. As time, went by he was joined by a couple of his sisters and from the time they were 2 months old they were knocking sharptail, huns and pheasants in great numbers. Sometimes 50-100 birds in each session. And who can forget the search and destroy missions he led his siblings on after released chukar on the big tree line. Often we would come out and see he and one of his sisters - happily munching on a freshly caught and killed chukar.

About the time he turned 3 months old - it was off to the big hog farm for Jakey and his sisters. The hog farm often has 500 pheasants of all ages and sexes. He led the pack and soon was either pointing pheasants or backing one of sisters. About this time we started firing blank guns as he broke and chased birds that flushed. I decided he was the "one" out of the litter that would possibly be used going forward in the breeding program at Whiterock Kennels. We continued to work him in the winter, until Chuck brought Frank Fernadez and his wife out. They immediately liked Jakey - Chuck felt that Jakey would have a great home and that Austin was close enough to possibly use Jakey in the breeding program, so Jakey found a new home in Austin.

It is now a year later - Jakey is a 1 yr old dog now and is proving that my initial thoughts about Jakey were absolutely correct. A trip to nearby tribal lands, as I was walking along and watching Jakey work about 300 yds in front of me. I watched him instantly lock up on point. As I took steps to within 30 yds or him - he broke and a pair of huns flushed. The chase was on and after about 100 yds - Jakey decided he could not catch those birds. That he looked fantastic running with a lively, merry tail and always forward race was great - but the point he established absolutely made my chest swell with pride and took my breath away.

Today, we started working all the puppies on pen raised birds in the nearby field on check cord. Jakey was super - establishing a beautiful point on scent and looking like a million bucks.

I am very happy Jakey found a great home. I am filled with pride that a breeding I thought would be great has worked out super. But, most of all I love the way Jakey greets me every day when we work him - wagging tail and licks.

Until next time.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

1 comment:

  1. Keith:
    Susan & I know what you mean about a good point making your chest swell with pride and taking your breath away.
    Your note about Jake, aka Jakey, does the same thing for us.
    All our friends are tired of hearing about it.
    Thank you.
    Frank Fernandes
