Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Puppies had a big day

We ran a bunch of pups today - they all did fantastic.

Doc - Pointed 3 pheasants, that I was able to flush and fired the gun as he broke to chase. He knocked about 30 more. Pinning pheasants in wheat stubble is really tough.

Haley - Pointed 2 pheasants, I was able to flush the birds before she broke and chased and fired a blank. This is great for her, she has turned the corner I think. She had many more contacts

Jake - 6 pheasant finds - I flushed 4 of them before he knocked them and chased. Get job on the ground.

Molly - 6 finds, I was only able to flush in front of her on one but, great job on the ground overall.

Collin - 10 finds - 4 of which I was able to flush before he broke. His application and handling is getting much better.

Dolly - Pointed 4 pheasants, I was able to flush all of them. Doing a great job. Superior young puppy with loads of potential.

Some of you have asked about the potential of your dogs to trial.

These dogs have great potential - perhaps even the ability to make history for llewellins. Jake, Collin, and Maggie have the potential ability to compete at the highest level shooting dog stakes, if they continue to be exposed to wild birds, worked towards that goal and get a bit of luck.

Haley, Dolly, and Molly have the potential to be great AKC field trial dogs and with proper development - Regional level American Field trial winners. Again, this opinion is based on the potential I see right now - and I am sure I haven't seen all the ability in these dogs, and my feeling is they will get much better as they age and mature.

Dot - Standing broke on her two bird contacts today. This dog could take it as far as she wants to go.

Chewy - Stood broke on one bird, derby broke on another. Potentially a very nice big going shooting dog or all age dog

So far, I am really loving what I am seeing from all these dogs. I look forward each day to run them and see them put it all together more and more each day.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

1 comment:

  1. Keith, I will come up this weekend to watch you handle Jakey. I want to make sure I don't ruin anything you have been doing with him. I will arrive Saturday, 19th, and leave Monday the 21st. Please call me when you can. 512-965-5690. Looking forward to seeing you and all the dogs.
    Frank Fernandes
