Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Training today

We ran the puppies first this morning. The puppies we ran were: Doc, Collin, Molly, Dolly and Mia.

Doc - Ran well, he pointed 3 pheasants and ran all over the alfalfa fields we were training on sometimes getting in there over 300 yds.

Collin - Made some huge moves, he pointed 2 pheasants, and his application was good. Listening better.

Molly - Ran hard and had more points and backs than I could count but about 6 or so of each.

Dolly - Ran big, made some 200 plus yd casts, pointed 2 pheasants and honored Mia twice.

Mia - Ran big, made some casts in the 100-300 yd ranges, pointed 4 pheasants and honored Doc and Mia once each.

Dot - Ran super well, nice shooting dog range. She had a non-productive on a pheasant that ran out and flushed 100 yds in front of us I believe.

Cullen - Pointed 1 pheasant - ran well and to the front, super nice and developing field trial dog.

Buster and Tucker - Had numerous opportunities to point birds, but failed to do so. Still hoping that the light will come on for both of them.

Chewy - Ran a nice shooting dog derby race. Mishandled his bird, but getting much better.

Knikki and Diva - Ran big shooting dog race for over an hour. Knikki had a nice piece of broke dog work with Diva backing mannerly. Diva made some great moves but did not come up with any finds.

Mali and Jackie - Ran a moderate shooting dog race for an hour. Jackie had an non-productive early with Mali backing. Mali returned the favor later. Near the end of the hour Mali had a broke find with Jackie backing mannerly. It was great work - Jackie was tempted by a grouse flying right over her head, she maintained her composure and only turned her head to watch the flight of the bird.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

P.S. I am getting my field trial schedule for October firmed up. I need emails from the following people, so we can firm up whether campaigning the dogs in field trials is warranted.

Donna Gibbons-Markey - Hope and Maggie
Rhonda Berg - Collin and possibly Haley
Bourke Harvey - Dot
Stan Copeland - Dolly

Let me know - all these dogs are capable of placing/winning field trials.

1 comment:

  1. Keith,

    I stumbled upon this short clip on a message board. Thought you might enjoy...


