Wednesday, September 14, 2011

everyone doing great

We have been running the younger dogs lately. They are making good progress.

Red and Duc - Had multiple contacts with birds - Red had some blanks fired and his confidence is growing - Duc ran all over and handled well.

Stub and Taz - Again multiple contacts with birds. Stub had 5 finds that he stood steady to wing and shot. Taz pointed and knocked 4 birds himself.

Trevor and Kane - Ran all over - but were not able to find any birds. Nice dogs.

Chip and Kona - Ran well, Kona had a couple contacts pointed until flush. Chip had no contacts - he is very athletic and I am not sure why he has any problem finding birds.

Lucy and Charlie - Ran well and had no finds.

Mali and Dot - Multiple broke finds and good races - they can be counted on to find birds every time.

Jessie and Juju - Had good finds and nice races - it was awesome to watch them go.

Callie and Annie - Running well - finding and pointing birds - Annie still wants to break at the shot - working on that - Callie breaks at the flush but finds lots of birds.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

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