Saturday, September 25, 2010

Almost done for the summer

Got a bit more training to get done - been a rough week for weather but the dogs are doing well. I am hoping to be back in TX on Thursday. So, that is the plan - arriving back in Texas on the 30th of Sept. If I get that done - then I will turn around and head up to Arnett, OK to attend the Colorado Shooting Dog Championship and will be back around the 10th of October. I will have someone taking care of the dogs while I am gone but I can't guarantee that someone will be at the kennel during that time to meet owners - so if you can't pick up the dogs on the 30th then the next window will be 10th of October.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

PS. I would like to campaign the following dogs in AKC Field Trials and/or some American Field trials

Jessie and/or Lily
Beast (Need to find an owner for this nice son of my dog Cullen)
Lucy (Not sure if Irish Red and Whites are eligible yet, but this is one bird finding tough little dog)
Tech (breed restricted - viszla, weims etc)
Trudy (we need to find an owner for her - she is gonna be a winner right out of the gate)

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