Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Warm Days

Well, we got a few dogs worked yesterday - very hot and humid.

Knikki - Ran a very nice shooting dog race - several contacts and all was in order

Tucker - Ran short but consistent, 2 honors, and 1 broke find

Dot - One broke find, handled well and stayed in contact

Chewy - Ran hard had a few contacts - but did have one nice piece of work.

Lily - Several finds including a broke find.


Xena - Had one find and ran in the heat of the day

Lola - Ran short - no birds

Tanner - Pointed twice - broke at the flush - still working on his steadiness

Jessie - One nice broke find, but she also ran over a bunch

Scenting conditions were tough - no wind and very hot.

Keith - Posting From Under the Rusty Windmill

1 comment:

  1. It is just such a horrible summer to train. Last year was amazing with cool mornings and evenings...this part of the day is good. Lets hope September will bring better temps.
