Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cooler days

Well, the last couple days the scenting/running conditions have been difficult - the cold front came in and cooled things off - hopefully we will get lots of things done.

Maggie - Ran well, but had too many non-productive

Chewy - Had a great run - and two stop to flush on wild flushing pheasants

Jessie - Ran well - one find on a running pheasant

Gunner - Nice race, good application - two honors


We ran some young dogs on sharptails

Chance - Nice race, no finds but was looking very good

Cord - Nice even shooting dog race - multiple broke finds and honors

Lily - Nice even race - one find - she broke at the flush

Mac - Big hard handling race - scenting conditions were getting tough - we had numerous contacts that did not result in good work.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Very warm today

We went out and worked a bunch of dogs and we got into a ton of birds. We ran several braces.

Cullen - Had a nice race and a nice stop to flush as well as a nice broke find on a big bunch of pheasants

Buck - Two nice honors, a good race and one broke find and a stop to flush. Ran a bit short in the heavy cover.

Maggie - Multiple pieces of bird work - 2 or 3 of the finds were derby broke - she broke at the shot - corrections were made - doing well overall

Tech - Ran a great race - no bird work.

This evening we ran a bunch of young dogs.

Annie - Nice good run, with multiple contacts with birds

Lily - Several finds broke at flush - nice easy handling race

Dolly - Multiple finds on pheasants - broke at the flush corrections made that last find was broke until the shot - nice style and good range

Cisco - Best job of the night - multiple contacts and a nice derby broke find.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Great day today

Yesterday was long - I had to make a trip to Bismarck to ship a dog out to Cleveland. Yuma (puppy I shipped) is in a new home and he was a nice puppy - pointing backing and doing lots of good stuff for his age.

After I got back I loaded up a bunch of dogs and worked them out.

Chance - Had several corrections (3 finds) before he finally did it right and had a broke find. Good application

Trevor - Ran hard had one mishandled pheasant find.

Jakey - Had 2 nice finds on pheasants ( he broke at the shot) and was corrected - he had another find on sharptails which he stood broke on.

Gunner - Had 7 finds total ( mishandled 5 of them)but after corrections handled the last two with broke manners.

Xena - One find (handled it with derby manners) but the birds were jumpy in the wind and I did not get to flush them. So, she broke when the whole covey flushed.

Otto - Had a good run - got into a few birds.

Beast - Had one nice find - gun fire seems not to bother either him or Otto

Bran - Had 5 finds - (puppy finds where all the dogs point for a second then root out the bird)

Today - Jerry Lewis and I trailered over south about 30 miles.

Chewy - One broke find, one stop to flush (with correction) and a nice race.

Cord - One broke find, one stop to flush, 2 Honors. Nice open country gun dog race.

Knikki- One find, 3 honors and a stop to flush with a nice big prairie race.

We cut it a bit short because it was getting hot.

We had plenty of birds both days - probably close 80 sharptails today.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Warm days but still getting it done

Well, the last couple days have been on the warm side but we are still getting contacts with birds and good work on them. Yesterday, it went down like this.

Chance - Ran well - plenty of contacts - two corrections for failing to honor. He had a couple birds pinned and on one he broke at the flush the other at the shot - getting better overall.

Xena - Ran great - she had a couple finds - still breaking at flush

Cord - Had a great run - two broke finds and two honors

Gunner - One broke find, correction made on fail to honor

Tripp - Ran well, still not pointing birds

Today we ran field trial dogs.

Jackie - Decent run (pretty out of shape) one broke find. We are getting her into shape for the big time dog games.

Knikki - 2 finds and 1 honor and 1 non productive - Plenty of gas. He is becoming a pretty nice all age dog.

Chewy - Nice all age run - 2 broke finds and 2 stop to flush. Best performance of the day

Dot - Big running all age race -- one non productive

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Warm days coming

Well, we had another good training day - a bit long.

Lucy - Still finding birds and pointing alot. Improvement is evident

Otto - Still working on getting him into more birds, improving slowly

Cisco - Running huge race - pointing and knocking lots of birds - fine young dog

Dolly - Ran for 3/4 of an hour - pointed some pheasants and corrections were made - still have to work on her steadiness

Kane - Running well, finding birds well, he didn't have a find on last outing but it was warm and he did not have the best field to work in.

Chewy - Ran a great all age race, with a very nice broke find on pheasants

Buck - Ran a shooting dog race (very heavy cover) had 6 broke finds, 1 hawk kill find, and 2 non-productives (birds may have ran out)

Dot - Ran a even well paced all age race - with an honor on a stop to flush and flight of birds.

Maggie - Nice even and well applied shooting dog race - 3 finds on sharptail - corrections made - still wanting to chase.

Cord - Nice run - 2 pretty well mannered finds.

Jakey - Nice even race - 4 finds on pheasants - broke at the flush - working him on steadiness yet

Yesterday - we trailered to another location a ways away. We ran 4 dogs.

Knikki - All age race, slowing at the end (He had roaded for over an hour in the morning) ran for 3/4 of an hour - with a broke find on a pair of sharptails.

Jessie - Ran a very nice race - 3 contacts with sharptails - not steady

Jill - Still immature working at it - distracted easily by meadowlarks, butterflies and the like - although, she has started looking and hunting harder - more contacts will work her through it I think.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Worked a bit today

Well, with the cold front came wind and rain yesterday - so we did not work dogs. However, we loaded up today (normal day off) and went out and worked some dogs.

Chewy - Huge all age race - 2 finds, and correction was made.

Dot - Huge all age run - 6 contacts with birds - two broke finds and a few corrections.

Tech - Ran a nice big gun dog race - honored twice with broke manners.

Maggie - Nice even applied shooting dog race - one derby find (broke at the flush) and one broke find on sharptails.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Friday, August 13, 2010

Great Training Day

Last night we had a storm roll through and a cold front brought great opportunity. We moved lots of sharptail today.

Knikki - Big prairie shooting dog race and one find on sharptail

Gunner - Had 6 pieces of birdwork, a couple backs - and generally the improvement is great. His last piece of birdwork was broke.

Tucker - Ran but not up his usual race - worked a couple birds.

Trevor - Nice find on sharptail, 3 honors. Decent run

The evening group

Chance - Nice run 4 pieces of birdwork including two mannerly finds.

Xena - Nice run - very nice application - 1 find on pheasant

Jakey - 6 finds - nice application and run.

Yuma - (3:15 to Yuma) Went with us along with the big dogs - pointed a bird and honored briefly twice. Paid no attention to the guns

Hope (Whiterocks Last Hope) - Went with us along with the big dogs - pointed several birds, honored and was conditioned to gun fire

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Warm Days

Well, we got a few dogs worked yesterday - very hot and humid.

Knikki - Ran a very nice shooting dog race - several contacts and all was in order

Tucker - Ran short but consistent, 2 honors, and 1 broke find

Dot - One broke find, handled well and stayed in contact

Chewy - Ran hard had a few contacts - but did have one nice piece of work.

Lily - Several finds including a broke find.


Xena - Had one find and ran in the heat of the day

Lola - Ran short - no birds

Tanner - Pointed twice - broke at the flush - still working on his steadiness

Jessie - One nice broke find, but she also ran over a bunch

Scenting conditions were tough - no wind and very hot.

Keith - Posting From Under the Rusty Windmill

Monday, August 9, 2010

Warm Days

Well, they took off the wheat by the house this weekend. It is loaded with birds now. We moved birds every brace - several dogs moved as many as 20. Scenting conditions were atrocious.

Chance - Pointed a pheasant, knocked many more - he got tired of chasing I think and ended on a good note with a find.

Bran - Knocked several birds and I was able to fire a bunch of shots

Tripp - Several contacts, did not point any birds

Kane - Was running short - pointed a pheasant.

Buck - Ran well, two finds. Best performance of the dogs today.

This morning during the puppy runs we had plenty of birds/finds.

Annie - Had 3 good points, and plenty of other birds.

Cisco - Pointed 5 birds - and knocked plenty more.

Lucy - Pointed 2 birds - she was in on the whole time - pointing and knocking birds

Millie - Two finds

Otto - Pointed one bird. Was in on the gang knocks too.

The evening group did well too.

Mac - Ran pretty well, no bird contact

Lily - Had plenty of contact - last time around she stood broke on her birds

Jill - Got into a bunch of birds - no points but the butterfly chasing is not so bad

Xena - Knocked 20 or so birds - no points

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Things are coming along

It was a hot weekend. So hot we only got three braces in yesterday before it got hazardous to keep running the dogs.

Knikki - Had a piece of bird work. Nice shooting dog race.

Dot - Ran all over the country - no birds and hard handle

Jakey - Ran hard had a nice find of pheasants - broke at the flush.


People have been emailing and calling wondering about the BLOG. Here is the scoop.

Okay, Daniel was forced to return to AZ to take care of personal business. There is no problem working the dogs - as I was always the primary trainer. However, because of his absence - I am having to do everything at the kennel. This takes most of the time I would be spending working on the BLOG or returning emails - although I will try to get back to everyone quickly.

So, if you are wondering what is happening with your dogs, and want to talk to me. Please call between 1pm and 4pm MDT or between 8 and 9 pm MDT. These are the times I am available to talk, I am running dogs and working at other times.


Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Friday, August 6, 2010

Out on the Prairie today

Today, since they are harvesting crops in some of the more local fields we run on, we loaded up and went to some wonderful prairie country that is loaded with sharptails on most years. We moved 10 bunches of sharptails.

Chance - Backed another dog and ran well, he had one find on a pair of sharptails. He did not see them flush but I fired and he was steady until I collared him and lead him off.

Mac - Nice race, backed well.

Trevor - Ran well but failed to back, and still doing puppy stuff.

Rocky - Ran great, backed a point, but no other bird work.

Yesterday evening we ran a bunch of young dogs

Rita - Was into a bunch of pheasants - flash pointed a few times before flushing the birds.

Jake - Was in contact with a bunch of pheasants (perhaps 30) pointed for a long time and broke and flushed the bird - chase was on. Because, birds just kept flushing

Tripp - Not much to report - was in the near vicinity and even ran over several birds - no chase acted very indifferent.

Maggie - Had two nice finds - broke at either the flush or shot. Ran a nice race. Still showing youth and immaturity.

Yesterday morning, we ran our field trial dogs.

Cullen - 3 broke finds and a very nice shooting dog race

Tech - Ran a nice race - had one find - and two backs. Coming along slowly.

Tucker - Ran a nice race, honored, but no finds of his own.

Chewy - Huge all age race. No finds, but went to birdy places - he just missed them.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

1st day of horseback work

Well, today we ran off horseback. We took a bunch of young dogs.

Xena - Ran well, she had a few contacts but no points.

Mac - Ran well, had a find, that he stood broke until the shot, but after a couple young birds flushed it was too much and he chased briefly. He did back twice the last time he stood through the flush and shot.

Tanner - Ran well, multiple finds on sharptails, broke at the flush or shot. Backed twice - Both Mac and Tanner I am very confident will be broke by the end of the summer

Lola - 2 finds - ran well, big at times. Broke at the flush on all birds. But, she is doing well.

Rita - Ran great, had a non productive - I saw some pheasants running up ahead of the dogs, but neither dog got them pinned.

Yesterday, we ran the trial dogs

Knikki - Beautiful race, broke finds on pheasants

Dolly - Beautiful race, application was a bit immature. 3 finds on pheasants, broke at flush.

Cullen - 2 beautiful finds, a well applied shooting dog race.

Dot - One beautiful find, stood broke, great race - almost too big. She bobbled another find and was corrected.

Chewy - 2 broke finds - big race.

Tucker - Beautiful race - one stop to flush.

Tech - Huge race - one find - broke at the flush - Getting better

Buck - Beautiful well applied AA race with two broke finds.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jim has arrived

Sorry, for the lack of posts - Daniel left last Monday to take care of personal business in AZ. Jim Michaletz arrived last night so - horseback stuff will begin in earnest.

We have been training hard all along

Tanner (Bailey) (doesn't like running solo) was braced with Cord for a 1/2 brace - Cord had a nice find, Tanner backed (sort of) and Cord held steady to wing and shot while Tanner broke. They then had a split find - I rode up on both of them standing. Cord stood broke while Tanner chased a few steps. I put Cord up and ran Tanner with Jackie. They both had a find. Tanner holding a long time - but breaking at either the flush or shot. Jackie was broke.

Buck - Two broke finds and a huge nearly AA race.

Cisco - Three nice finds, good application and race

Annie - 6 finds and nice application and race

Mac - Nicest running llewellin I have ever seen - finds birds still young - lots of potential there.

Kane - Several broke finds - I lost count 5 or 6 I think. Good race

Lola - Had a nice race - but pointed and knocked the birds she found (2 finds) will work on steadying her up

Jessie - Huge race - no finds yesterday but she was in there a long ways - She has found some birds and she just had a bad day for bird finding.

Jill - No finds - decent run - still chasing butterflys

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill