Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well, we are getting rained on today. Won't be going out all day.

We had a good couple days. The big dogs are getting in shape. We are running young derbies and doing lots of yard work.

Chance - Pointing birds and getting steadier

Trevor - Running hard and finding birds. He had once really nice find yesterday.

Cisco - Had a nice find this morning before the rain came.

Mags - She had multiple finds and a huge race

Otto - Getting into the swing of it - pointed an area that a bird had just flushed from

Millie - Multiple finds getting into shape

Tripp - Found some birds and ran well

Lucy - Finding birds and pointing regularly.

Gunner - Three contacts one point

Overall, since we are just finishing our 2nd week of training. I am pleased with the progress of the dogs.

Keith - Posting from Under the Rusty Windmill

PS Daniel has another slide show/video that he put together that will be uploaded in the next day or so.

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